

This game was created as an exercise for people who want to learn how to use PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and CSS.
We also used W3.css as an alternative to using Bootstrap. Its clean and light. It even has built-in themes, and is well-documented.
This game is built on a "Mobile-First"-concept. Because its a Text-based Strategy Game, it is intended to work on all platforms and devices: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, and Mobile. It is browser-based, but will feel as an App.
The object is to be ranked first and have the most Gold

Read and learn more about the game by pressing the buttons below.

Your Stats-page shows all your units and how much supplies you have. MY ARMY has 3 sub pages: Units, Weapons, and Hospital. On the UNITS-page you can add more units, or un-train some of your units. The WEAPONS-page is used to buy and sell weapons. The PLAYERS-page has 2 sub pages: Rankings and Messages. Use the RANKINGS-page to see how other players are doing and choose one of the other players to Battle. You can trash-talk the other players by sending Messages as well. Keep you language "clean", because you can get banned from the game for improper conduct. In Battle you can steal Gold, or Food, or Weapons. But if you lose your battle some of your Warriors will die! Eveb if you are stromnger than yuor enemy, you can still lose!

Your Units can be found on the [MY ARMY] page. Your Units include 4 different groups. Farmers who make the food, needed to train your Warriors and Defenders. The Workers create income, and this gold is used to buy weapons for your Warriors and Defenders. So you need all four groups, but you need to use a strategy to see what type of Units you need the most.
The game also has Healers, who can revive your injured units. Healers need potions, which can be bought as a Weapon.

More Warriors to strengthen your Attack? Of more more Defenders instead?
Will you battle for Food, or for Gold? Or will you just train more Workers and Farmers instead?
You can also battle enemys and steal their Weapons if they dont have much Food, or Gold.

When you are attacking you may want to maximize your Weapons and Units for the attack.
But once you out of Turns, you may want to Un-Train your Warriors and Train more Defenders instead. And maybe sell some Swords and buy Shields back to improve your defense?
Your choice!

When you are low on Gold, you can borrow more.
If you want to train your Units faster: buy some Steroids, or Fertilizer to grow youd food faster. The Upgrades can help you win more Battles.



Questions? Email us at admin@thebattle.app